Sunday, May 9, 2010

Taxi to the Dark Side

Taxi to the Dark Side effectively portrays the abuse of power that took place during the Bush administration. In the same manner Enron attempted to disguise their financial fraud, military officials during the Bush administration attempted to conceal their war crimes.

The documentary presents the efficient investigation of British journalist Carlotta Gall who tracked down Dilawar’s family and discovered his death was classified as a homicide by US doctors. The medical papers were given to the family in English. It was impossible for them to understand what they said, which worked perfectly for the US. It was not until Gall discovered these papers that the story came to light.

It took one thorough investigation to begin to uncover a fatal crime, just like Mc Lean’s basic question regarding Enron’s profit began the exposure of their financial fraud.

Unlike, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, Taxi to the Dark Side uses a directly serious tone and puts forth brutal and disturbing images. It overtly presents the abuses committed during war and their inhumane policies of interrogation through torture.

1 comment:

  1. This feels a little skimpy. I would have liked more analysis of what the filmmakers were doing from a journalistic perspective as well as more of your own reaction to the film
