Nike, Inc. has presented a progressive growth in their revenues from 2005-2009. Last year, the company had a total revenue of $19176.1 million, their highest revenue in these five years. Their net income grey steadily from 2005-2007 and underwent a significant growth of $391.1 from 2007-2008. Nevertheless, in 2009, the company's net income dropped $396.7, resulting in a net income of $1486.7 million compared to a net income of $1883.4 million in 2008.
This drop in the company's net income accounts to a restructuring charge of $195 million that they did not experience in the previous years. In 2009, the company executed a restructure plan accounting to a 5% reduction of their global workforce.
The company's highest paid directors in 2009 were Douglas G. Houser, with a total annual compensation of $217269, and Ralph D. DeNunzio, with a total annual compensation of $201760.
Mariale - try another one. I think you're having some confusion with the numbers. Also, get the compensation of top executives, not directors. that'll be in proxy statement . feel free to see me, if you're having a hard time wading through the material. i know it can be hard