Monday, April 19, 2010

student loan democrats

Democratic Senators:

Jeanne Shaheen (NH)- Voted Yea
-her positive vote on the student loan bill was in belief that it would help those middle and lower class students who deserved to further their education, who simply couldn't afford the cost of loans necessary to do so.
-"Providing guaranteed loans for students, rather than leaving it up to chance." -Rebecca Jonnas (secretary/pr)
*Was formerly a teacher. Also very involved in other student help organizations. Very involved in progress for higher education.

Arkansas' Democratic Senator: Blanche Lincoln votes nay.

"She just dislikes the proponents and prospects of the bill." [Maria Gueria, PR, Senator Lincoln's office]

VERY interesting....check it out...

President Obama's Weekly Address

So, the interview with Senator Casey; a very exciting project, the problem is, that is exactly what it still is...a project. I know that I promised all of you some pretty juicy quotes from this democratic senator, however, unfortunately, his wife called me at about 2:45 on Monday and informed me that the Senator was unavailable to speak with me today and that he would definitely contact me later in the week. That won't seem to help us much however. I informed Mrs. Casey of our deadline and she said she would do her best to make her husband give me a call tomorrow. So, keep your fingers crossed! As soon as I hear anything I'll send out an email. Don't worry I'll keep trying.


Bob Casey interview 3 pm Monday April 19

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